Colour Coated Steel Roofing Sheets
Color Coated Steel roofing sheets, manufactured by Exodus Ispat at our state of the art plant in West Bengal.
We have developed this product after a lot of research work and it is characterised by:
– High Strength Base Steel
– Special Pre-treatment for longer life and paint coating
– Light Weight Coating Galvalume 55% Aluminium Zinc Alloy
– Option of Various Colours / Finishes
– Highly effective in withstanding extreme weather conditions
Colour Coated Roofing Sheets is made of high tensile / strength steel, which after special pre-treatment is coated with metal alloys having metals like Zinc which has sacrificial properties and aluminium which provides barrier protection to steel. After this the product is coated on both the surfaces by primer and paint for superior finish and long life. Various types of paint coating are used to suit varied industrial requirement
VXP – Vibrant Exterior Polyester

RMP – Regular Modified Polyester
SMP – Silicon Modified Polyester
SDP – Super Durable Polester
PVDF – Poly Vinyldene Flouride